Setup Django on OS X

Installing Django on OS X is just as easy as any other Python library or framework. It is just a one line command as it is described in the Django documentation. But if you have an all-new OS X system, you don’t have all the tools installed. Pip is not part of the standard system, but installing also straightforward and you just have to follow the documentation. This post is a reminder for all the steps.

To download the pip-installer, the preferred way on OS X is by using curl:

curl -O

You can install pip using this installer. Be aware that you’ll need the administrator privileges.

sudo python

Now you can install Django as it is described in the documentation which was version 1.7.1 at the time of writing this post.

sudo pip install Django==1.7.1

You can finally check if the installation is successful in a Python console

>>> import django
>>> print(django.get_version())

As you see, no tricks here. All the documentations are correct so everything should be ready in less than 5 minutes. Hope that if you find this post, it will have saved you the extra minute to search trough the different docs.

About Darko Stankovski

Darko Stankovski is the founder and editor of Dad 3.0. You can find more about him trough the following links.

Darko Stankovski

Darko Stankovski is the founder and editor of Dad 3.0. You can find more about him trough the following links.

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