Geek Garage Blog

Who still wants an Android ?

Some titles are controversial and are meant to make people react. Gizmodo just published an nice opinion about Google and Android, somehow predicting the death of Android brand. And if you look at Android from a business...

No Death Star project… Yet…

On November 12th 2012, a popular petition asked for the construction of a Death Star. At the time of this post, 34,435 people have signed the petition. There are good purposes listed for this...

Upgrade to Mindstorms ev3 this year

Lego just started the buzz, should it be on their Google+ page or on their Facebook. Both of them provides links to their short announcement. So Le Mindstorms ev3 will be available soon. How soon ?...

Lego advent calendars 2012

So here we are at Christmas Eve. All advent calendar windows have been opened and we finally have the whole set. This is the right time for an overview of the entire set. Of...

Snapseed, from iOs to Android

This year, Google acquired Nik Software. Nik Software is lately renown on iOs for their awesome photo editing app, Snapseed. Needless to say that every photographer expected to see this app coming on Android devices....